Name: Adam "Jafard" dos Santos
Job: Official Roadie
Smells like: Fotch Flan

Name: Ben Eells
Job: Chief Technological Worker
Smells like: Springtime

Name: Katie Lucas
Job: #1 Fan
Smells like: Arizona

Name: Fran
Job: Honorary Conductor of NOH
Smells like: Teen Spirit

Name: Jon Horan
Job: Cheap recording guy
Smells Like: All the free food he gets us

Name: Rishesh Singh
Job: Generally Good Guy; makes sweet logos
Smells like: Hilfiger

Name: Rob Brown
Job: Cinematographer
Smells like: shit

Name: Kendra Bruning
Job: Loyal Roadie
Smells like: Earth

Name: Mr. Stinklesworth
Job: Website Manager
Smells like: Badger B.O.

Name: Furby
Job: None
Smells like: Rectal Fungi

Name: Carl Sauerbrum
Job: Recording Guy
Smells like: Recording Studio
Colin thanks: this thing never gets updated but i'm going to do it anyway. i thank fender for making
my sweet bass, billy/chris/matt for rocking down the house, my friends for supporting us and coming out to the shows, adam
dos santos for being an awesome roadie and great friend, katie for sending us love from the grand canyon state, emerson pals,
my dad for blasting our music at family parties, my mom for putting up with our practicing after getting her wisdom teeth
removed, and my sister for singing our songs sometimes when she doesn't think i can hear her. oh yeah, and thanks to any
venue thats put up with us and let us play.
Billy thanks: Colin, Chris, and Matt, the best group of guys ever to play with, my sweetie Nicole,
my uncle for making my guitar, my family and friends, and all the venues that have hosted us.
Chris Thanks: I wanna thank gibson for making me one sweet, sexy guitar. I've come around to naming
it "Dead Grasshopper". I recently gave it some antennas. Next, I wanna thank each of my band mates starting with matt/crisall.
You're a pal. My fellow guitar player billy/donald. My cool bro colin/colin. And last but not least Jafard.
Some people are funny, others are just Amish.
Matt's Thanks:
First of all i want to thank the colin chris and billy, you guys kick ass.
Next I want to thank my friends for actually making me feel like i can succeed in the band. Tyler and Kelly
thanks for being there. JC Music for putting up with our obnoxious loudness. Goldberg your fucking awesome,
thanks for everything. My fanclub from Farmington (Sara) Thanks to Ben for all the recording he's done
after school in the band room even though we only recorded 2 drums tracks and nothing else. What the hell, it was fun
anyways. Jess thank you for making my life seem worth while for once. Adam your a fuckin kick ass roadie
bitch. Good Bands: NOFX, Big Wig, Weezer, Less The Jake, Midtown, Catch 22, Goldfinger, The Misfits, Rancid/Transplants,
Allister, The Movie Life, AC/DC, Ramones,The Vines, The Hives, Superdrag, Junction 18, MxPx, Green Day, No Use For a
Name, Gimme Gimmes, Mad Caddies, Incubus, Guttermouth,Murphys, the casualties, and so on...