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NOH Gig Journal
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
sorry guys!
sorry everyone, but things don't seem to be working out with the video footage we got from the last show. we'll try to make up for it next time by giving you a buttload of pictures and some video. thanks for checking, but no luck this time. however, keep checking for possible show additions.

Posted by nohmusic at 2:41 PM EDT
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Monday, October 4, 2004
Webster Underground - 10/2/04
Mood:  chillin'
So, everything went well at our 10/2/04 show despite that fact that our only practice time in the last couple months was hours before the show. The night started off with us hectically picking up a bunch of people to bring to the show with us. Worried about being late to load-in, Billy and company went ahead to let the Webster Underground know we were gonna be there. I rushed off to get Adam (our loyal roadie) and actually ended up arriving at the Webster only minutes after Billy. Being the last band added onto the roster, we were put in the first time-slot, starting at 5:30. We pretty much played through a portion of the new album, cutting a few songs off and debuting a new one called Change My World. From what I can remember, here's the setlist:

10/2/04 NOH Setlist-
1. Rock Off
2. Take Me As I Am
3. Once Upon A Time
4. African Battle Cry
5. Change My World
6. Downfall
7. Juxtaposition
8. Desert Sunrise
9. Wizard of ROCK!

Check up within the next few weeks for some possible media from the show (pictures or video).

Posted by nohmusic at 5:06 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, October 4, 2004 5:44 PM EDT
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Friday, September 24, 2004
Nothing yet...
Mood:  a-ok
once we play a bunch of shows, we'll be sure to post all sorts of goodies up on this gig journal for you guys to read/view/listen. hopefully the first post will be after our october 2nd show at the webster underground. so check in on the 3rd or 4th of october for the first real entry.

Posted by nohmusic at 12:36 AM EDT
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