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NOH Gig Journal
Sunday, June 12, 2005
6/10/05 and 6/11/05
Mood:  hug me
both shows were a success. we had a great time and everyone was really appreciative of our music. here's a brief rundown of each:

6/10/05- we arrived at the school an hour before the doors opened and ran through semi-charmed life with allen once. as the show started we roamed the catwalk, chilled backstage, and cheered on all of the performers. great show, here's the set list:

1. rock off
2. take me as i am
3. soar to me
4. heroes
5. damsel
6. once upon a time
7. i'm your boy
8. semi-charmed life (allen burton on vocals)

6/11/05- we drove to wallingford and discovered that the knights of columbus hall was within a mile of barnowl studios (where we recorded our latest album shadows in the woods). it was a super cozy diy show put together by the guys in never sometimes. the hall had air conditioning and awesome bingo lights that put everyone in a good mood. here's the set list:

1. farewell
2. despondency
3. soar to me
4. sentimental girl
5. damsel
6. change my world
7. heroes

thanks to anyone who saw us!

Posted by nohmusic at 7:31 PM EDT
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Monday, May 23, 2005
webster underground 5/22/05
we gotta say that playing two nights in a row is really exciting. the empress show sort of killed our buzz since we lost so much money only to be bitched at by the owner for not lining up all the ticket money from highest to lowest bill with each one facing the same exact way. but once we played, we gained it back. we were just thinking about how sweet our next show will be. and it was! we got to the webster and totally redeemed our low ticket sales by selling to people waiting in the ticket line (might be illegal...shhhhh!). anyway, we got three extra wrist bands for our two roadies (adam and tranny) and one for billy's girlfriend nicole. we played first on the underground stage, bringing in lots of people from the theater as well. once the main stage show started, a bunch of people left. but they came back! anyway, here's our set from the night:

1. farewell
2. despondency
3. take me as i am
4. damsel (new song)
5. sentimental girl
6. change my world
7. heroes

Posted by nohmusic at 12:25 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, May 27, 2005 9:47 AM EDT
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empress ballroom 5/21/05
besides for being treated terribly, the show went decently. we lost a lot of money because of a lack of ticket sales, but our set rocked really hard and the audience really liked us.

Chris rocking!

we didn't win the contest, but our newly found friends in mr. sparkle (excellent ska from new jersey) left with the massive prize! we sort of had to improvise our set because we though we had a half hour until right before we played. we discovered we had only 20 here's our setlist from the night:

1. take me as i am
2. despondency
3. change my world
4. sentimental girl
5. heroes

The band rocking!

Posted by nohmusic at 12:13 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, May 27, 2005 9:53 AM EDT
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Saturday, May 14, 2005
AHS Battle of the Bands 5/13/05
Mood:  happy
we had an excellent show last night (though no band was officially announced as a winner). probably the best show we've played in a while. there was an excellent crowd that seemed to really enjoy what we were doing. here's the set list:

1. Farewell
2. Despondency
3. Take Me As I Am
4. Sentimental Girl
5. Juxtaposition
6. Change My World
7. Heroes

come to our upcoming shows, we will rock just as hard!

Posted by nohmusic at 12:11 PM EDT
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Tuesday, March 15, 2005
3/12/05 Show
The show was really fun. A bunch of people were finally able to go to one of our shows. We got it recorded from the mixing board and we should be doing something with that soon. Maybe we'll post an mp3 from it. Here's the setlist:

1. Farewell
2. Despondency
3. Take Me As I Am
4. Juxtaposition
5. Sentimental Girl
6. Once Upon a Time
7. Wizard of Rock (Stand By Me Remix)
8. Colin's Tuning Blues
9. Heroes (Tentatively Titled)

Cool show, hope those who attended enjoyed it.

Posted by nohmusic at 11:09 PM EST
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Feb 13th Show
So being a Sunday night, everything was hectic. Hell, Billy and I had college classes the next day, him at Storrs and me at Boston. Regardless, we hauled all our shit to the Underground without our roadie Adam or any of the classic crew. But anyway, we were scheduled as the third band to play. The first band was pop-punk/scremo, the second band was hardcore scremo, so when we got up there and played our fun-loving, happy set, some people left to go cry in their corners. But the kids that stayed were AMAZING. Billy pulled a guitar solo behind his head and everyone reached out to touch him! They thought we were awesome, and so were they! Thanks a lot if any of you are reading this. Anyway, here's our set list from the night, we decided to fuck around and play a lot of new material:

1. Farewell
2. Despondency
3. An Ode to our Heroes
4. Sentimental Girl
5. Change My World
6. Take Me As I Am
7. Juxtaposition

Thats correct if I remember right. But I might not. Later

Posted by nohmusic at 2:55 PM EST
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Monday, January 10, 2005
Webster Main Stage
So not much was to be expected of our last show seeing as we thought it was going to get cancelled all morning because of the ice rain. We couldn't contact anyone at the Webster Theater, however, so we showed up at around 1:45 and immediately loaded our shit onto the Webster stage. As soon as I stepped onto the stage and looked down into the dark, empty floor of the theater I knew we were going to rock. So what if no one showed up. We were going to rock hard like always.

So after lounging the miniscule backstage area and taking various trips to the sketchy gas station across the street, we were prompted to sound check all of the instruments. Impressive sound. So impressive that when we squared off the ticket sales with Rick "Flair" Clair, he told us he really dug the song. So anyway, we waited a couple hours and stepped up on stage as the first band of the night. My tuner was crapping out on Billy but used its last breath to get everyone tuned.

This is when we rocked. It was such an amazing feeling. The sound was perfectly mixed and extremely powerful. We could actually hear our vocals and instruments on stage! The time went by quickly, but each song came out the best we could've asked for (after selling only nine tickets by the way). So here's the set list:

1. Rock Off
2. Take Me As I Am
3. Despondency
4. Once Upon A Time
5. Sentimental Girl
6. African Battle Cry
7. Juxtaposition
8. Wizard of Rock
9. Goodnight Sweetheart

Thats right. We played a new song, Goodnight Sweetheart, last. According to my mom, this was a "gutsy move" because in context we were playing a ballad to a crowd with Pantera, Metallica, and Tool shirts. But we got people holding their lighters and cell phones up as we played. Awesome feeling. We can only hope we get asked to play there again.

Posted by nohmusic at 1:22 AM EST
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Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Here's how I was notified that you can save some money on the tickets:

"Tickets will be $12.00 but if you bring in items for Foodshare, Windsor Food Bank, the Salvation Army Marshal House, or the South Park Inn homeless shelter, you will receive a dollar off for each group you're benefiting. If you bring in an item for the Connecticut Children's Center Orphanage, such as a toy, you will receive $2 off. If you bring in an item for all of the places (5) you will only have to pay $5.00 for admission."

So take that into consideration if you're planning on attending. It's all for a good cause! Until then:

-No One's Hero

Posted by nohmusic at 1:23 PM EST
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Monday, November 22, 2004
reel big fish show
sadly, i unintentionally lied to you a couple of posts ago. we were unable to get any type of media from our reel big fish show to give to you. however, we've figured out a way to transfer the video from our show before that. so look for some media from that soon. anyway, here's a rundown of how the show went:

we got there a little bit late, but it was no big deal. they told us we were to go on at 7:15 which made us the second band to perform. we realized we didn't have my tuner with us. so we pretty much winged everything. we tuned on stage which we thought was unprofessional, but had to be done. however, we came out of tune after nearly every song and ended up wasting a lot of time re-tuning. we pretty much fit as many songs as we could in an unknown amount of set time. things also didn't sound so great since chris's rental amp seemed to be shorting out on stage for no apparent reason. we all had fun anyway. my bass strap came off twice during take me as i am, so i pretty much placed the guitar down and just sang until i found time to put it back on. we all had fun despite our ridiculously bad luck. from what we've heard, people enjoyed it too. so once again, check for video from our october 2nd show to be posted sometime this week. peace.

Posted by nohmusic at 12:06 AM EST
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
sorry guys!
sorry everyone, but things don't seem to be working out with the video footage we got from the last show. we'll try to make up for it next time by giving you a buttload of pictures and some video. thanks for checking, but no luck this time. however, keep checking for possible show additions.

Posted by nohmusic at 2:41 PM EDT
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